About Runic.is

This is the site for the runic converter which allows you to convert modern Icelandic into an approximation of viking age runes.

This is the only converter on the internet which takes into account the various spelling conventions of historical younger fuþark runic inscriptions. Runic spelling was never standardized but the converter tries to follow the most typical conventions followed in the viking age. For example it can distinguish between ᚱ and ᛦ as well as ᚬ and ᛅ and it tries to ignore umlauts to as great an extent as possible. This is possible due to various datasets that it looks up in to get more information about the words. That information is then fed through custom heuristics to try and reverse the language development of modern Icelandic to get the most accurate viking age forms.

The converter is far from perfect and should not be relied upon for eg. tattoos but is still in a league of its own compared to alternatives on the internet.

Author and maintainer: Kristján Andri Gunnarsson. Suggestions and corrections are welcomed.

Technical information

The site runs on Express.js with an Nginx reverse proxy. The actual runic converter is written in Typescript but standard server logic in regular NodeJS. The site is hosted on an Ubuntu EC2 server at AWS.

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This site uses no cookies except the one which stores your language preference. This site does not have ads or tracking software, does not use Google Analytics or comparable tracking services and no third party has access to any user data. The site does store searches and IP addresses for a limited time only.